Jointly Organized Events

Partnerships between university organizations/departments and the community who share common goals are vital.

A Jointly Organized event is one that involves two or more entities: including a university office, department, unit, or division and an external organization. The internal (George Mason University) organization must complete a Jointly Organized Event Form, which must be approved by the following:

  • The dean or vice president of the hosting organization,
  • The Assistant Vice President of University Events and Operations,
  • and the Associate Vice President for Business Services or designee.

Registered student organizations may not host external organizations. The hosting George Mason entity is responsible for ensuring that the event complies with all university and Commonwealth of Virginia policies and procedures.

Jointly Organized Event Process

The jointly organized event process starts with the internal (George Mason) hosting organization.

  1. The internal organization requests a space through 25Live.
  2. University Events receives the request and determines the event meets the Jointly Organized Event Criteria within five business days.
  3. Scheduling and Event Coordinator tentatively reserves the space and sends the internal organization information on jointly organized events, including the Jointly Organized Request Form.
  4. The internal organization completes the form and returns it to University Events.
  5. If considered Jointly Organized, University Events presents form for approval.
  6. Once approved, the Scheduling and Event Coordinator works with the internal organization to connect with the partnering external client.
  7. The 25Live reservation is transferred from the internal organization's information to the external client's information as the main point of contact. Billing information is entered and pricing is adjusted accordingly.

From this point on, the process follows the steps for External Clients.

A saftety officer fistbumps a student at an outdoor event.